Thursday, October 8, 2015

Morning Time

I'm not a morning person. Anyone who knows me, knows I pretty much dislike mornings. As a mother, I've struggled with the early mornings that come with having kids. Kids don't just turn over and fall back asleep like adults do. After three years of trying to get my kids to fall asleep, or stay in bed just a tiny bit longer, I resigned myself to early mornings. But then I changed my whole outlook. I noticed that on mornings that I challenged myself to get up early, eat a nice breakfast and have some coffee, I had a much better day. There are still mornings I lay in bed, looking at my clock dreaming of another 30 minutes of sleep. But when it comes to being a good mother, I have to remind myself that my mornings are important.

I know I can't be the only mother who dislikes mornings. So I came up with a list of things that I do to help motivate myself to enjoy mornings! I hope you enjoy it and that it helps someone out there too.

1. Plan ahead. Have something "fun" planned for yourself in the morning. That could range from saving a recorded TV show, to having coffee already made and ready in the fridge, to having bagels and cream cheese ready for the toaster.

2. When you wake up, don't lay there for ages "waking up" because you'll only get more tired. Wonderful feathery fluffiness of your pillow might just convince you to lay there and suddenly you're waking up an hour later.

3. Start your morning off with a nice, big drink of cool water. It has a way of starting your digestive system for the day, energizes you and you won't be so hungry, so you won't binge eat.

4. Always have devotions in the quiet of the morning before the kids wake up. Listen to a worship song too. It has a great way of cheering you up, filling you with faith and giving you determination for the day.

5. Open the blinds. Let the light flood in! That buttery yellow that comes with early morning light always gives me a feeling that this new day is a fresh start and anything is possible!

6. Don't deal with stressful things (bills, calls, emails, etc) first thing in the morning. They will be there in an hour. Give yourself the early morning hour(s) to focus on you. It's important to have time alone, time in the quiet, time to relax, time to refocus.

7. Pray. That's the biggest one. Never forget to pray. Ask God for guidance for the day. Pray for your friends, your husband, your co-workers, your boss, your kids, and anyone you know of that needs prayers. I often throw in the politicians and those who lead our country.

And on the days you just don't feel ready for the day, know that some other mother, somewhere in the world isn't feeling it either. You're not alone. <3

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