Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Mama Loves You

A letter to my children:

To My Children, my blessings!

I love you. I always want you to know that. No matter what happens in life, no matter how many times I tell you, "no" or tell you to stop doing something, I will always love you. It's because I love you that I say these things. I am trying to keep you safe. I am trying to train you for life in the big world.

This world is a scary place little ones. There are things you will hear and see that I wish I could protect you from. There are people out there that have dark hearts, but they just need the light of Jesus shined so their hearts can turn to the light! I am hoping that I will raise you right, where you can be a light to those around you. I hope you see every place you go as a mission field. You don't have to go overseas or go on missions trips to be a missionary. Walmart, Target, church, school, the park, your friends, they are all mission fields. There will always be someone you can smile at, give a hug to, or pray for.

I hope and pray that your daddy and me give you a great example of a godly marriage and what godly men and women look like. I hope we always show you to love and accept everyone. You don't have to accept their sin, but you don't have to reject the person. I hope you always see through us, what the power of love can do. I hope you see how to forgive and how to work through problems. I hope you see, through us, what the relationship is supposed to be between a man and his wife, and between God and you. I hope I show you how a woman of God is supposed to be. I hope that my life is an example of the type of woman you want to marry, son, and the type of mother and wife you want to be, daughters. I hope that you see that I'm human and that I fail, but I also hope you see that no matter how many times I fail, I get back up and I keep going, because of God's grace and mercy. I hope you see what it's like to be a hard working man that supports a family well through your daddy. I hope you see the perseverance it takes to do what is right for your family through the work he does. I hope his example shows you what type of man you want to marry, daughters and what type of husband and father you want to be, son.

I hope that you know, that no matter what happens in life, we will always be there for you. I hope you know we are your friends. We are you parents, but we are your friends! So many parents don't think it's a good thing to be friends with your kids, but I disagree. I want to be your best friend forever and that you know you can trust me with anything. Just because you fail or make a mistake won't change my love for you. I hope you know you can talk to me anytime about anything. There is nothing too big or too small, or too good, or too bad that you can't share with me. I want you to respect me as your parent, but I want you to trust me as your friend.

I want you to love God. I want you to study your Bible and pray. Listen to the heart throb of God. He has great plans for you! Memorize scripture. Sing songs, even if your voice cracks and can't hold a tune. God doesn't care! He created you and he thinks you're beautiful and handsome. I hope you always see your value in Him. I hope you see the gift of each life and that each person that is alive on earth has worth and meaning in God. No one is too far gone, or done too much to lose the love of God. So keep loving everyone. Don't let what others say or do influence you. Be who God created you to be! Dare to dream. Dare to be different. Don't worry if you don't "fit in." Jesus didn't either. He was so often alone and considered "different." The Bible says there was nothing about him that made him stand out, or look handsome. So be content with how he made you. And always know that your mommy and daddy love you and think you're the best ever!

I pray that the Angels have charge over you and that you are kept safe through all of you life's travels! Smile a lot! Have fun! Don't waste a single day. Enjoy life! Do crazy things! Don't hold back. Be a world changer!

I love you a lot!
Your Mommy

Friday, January 16, 2015

The Victory Dance

Today started out with me bawling my eyes out and feeling completely disheveled and overwhelmed. My little one year old has been enjoying staying up all night for weeks. I have tried everything in the book to get the cute stinker to sleep through the night. But in all 380 something odd days she's been on this earth, she has yet to sleep through the night.  But then 11 am happened.

My four year old son who hasn't been successfully potty trained came to me saying, "I gotta go pee, Mommy!"

Off we ran to the bathroom! I got him situated. Then every so sweetly he said, "Mommy, can you go out and close the door?"  My first reaction was to say no. You know all the images of a tipped over potty chair, the yellow liquid pooling on my nice wood floors and my one year old traipsing through it, tracking it all over the house, went through my mind. Then a little bell went off in my head when I heard "close the door." Bashful bladder syndrome. I, myself, have that (sorry for the TMI) and it's something I've had to work at overcoming as a mother. We all know how it goes with "bathroom time" for us mama's! ;)

So I picked up my one year old who had followed us into the bathroom and I walked out, shutting the door behind me. I went to my bedroom to grab my cellphone and then came around the corner to see my son come blasting out of the bathroom yelling, "Mommy! Mommy! I peed! I peed!" As I peered into the potty chair bowl, sure enough. There was that weirdly longed for liquid gold. I mean pee. I was so happy that I did a little happy dance with my son and immediately notified the whole of social media, my parents and my husband. What a victory! I can't tell you how happy I was to have that news to announce!

I'm not kidding when I say I did a happy dance! I turned on my DVR'd Ellen DeGeneres show and we all danced to the music. I didn't care that my house was a wreck and that my mini-Mt. Everest pile of laundry still hasn't diminished much and that I haven't taken a shower in 5 days. Please don't judge. It's just been one of those weeks. It's those little things that happen and the big things that happen that help keep me sane. Just earlier this week I had come to peace with the fact that my son wasn't going to be potty trained on my terms and I should just let him do it on his own. I had been trying to potty train since he was just a little over a year old. Every few weeks I'd have a go at training for a few days, weeks even a month long at one point. Nothing was working. I felt God remind me that needed to just "let it go" (yes, I did just make a reference to "Frozen") and I finally did. Then things worked out. I am just a happy mama tonight!

Thank You Jesus for helping me!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Today *sigh*

You know those days where you don't get out of your pajamas, the kids are pushing all the wrong buttons, the house is an entire wreck, there is so much laundry to be washed, folded and put away you're pretty sure Mt. Everest moved into your home and last night's spaghetti sauce is still stuck to your teeth? Well, that was my day today. We all have those days, and it doesn't mean you're a bad mama.

 I came out this morning to find my son had found our stash of  yogurts and had opened two of them, demolishing them on my living room floor, with plenty of it spread around. My oldest daughter was sitting, princess style, on the carpet tracing her fingers through the cold, gooey mess making pictures with it. I had my one year old baby on my hip who was actively stinking up her diaper when I came around the corner and I just wanted to cry. To be honest, I did cry! I sat down on the carpet with all three kids and while they cried over mommy being upset, I cried about my sticky $20 Ikea rug being a coloring mat. What a cry fest that was!

This morning didn't start out the way I wanted. My perfect morning goes something like this (don't ask me if this "dream morning" has ever happened. It hasn't.)

1. Get up at the crack of dawn and have a nice cup of coffee.
2. Sip on the delicious brown concoction while I read my daily devotions and read my Bible. Pray.
3. Get a load of laundry going before kids get up.
4. Get the kids dressed, hair brushed and breakfast on the table.
5. Have our prayer time, Jesus time, worship time.

Then the rest of the day goes on.

While some mornings happen close to that order and can be somewhat successful, I have found that I don't normally have a routine that is perfect at all times. It's one of those things that moms have to come to terms with, and that's ok! *insert- "listen to your own words, Coutney.* Ha!

The day continued to go downhill. My two year old daughter figured out how to open the two dead bolt locks on our front door. Of course she had to figure that out while I was indisposed at the moment and didn't even hear her open the door. Next thing I know my four year old son comes running into the bathroom (who needs privacy, right?! ;)  ) saying, "Mama, Natalie outside, Natalie GONE!" Well, there went my 1 minute of peace and quiet. I was still in my pajamas and I didn't want to give the neighbors something to talk about for weeks, so I shimmied into my jeans while running out the front door to find my crying daughter who had found herself alone, in the cold, by our van. Thank the Lord for keeping her safe! After giving her a stern talking to and piling a couple of heavy chairs and a coffee table in front of the door, I found myself beating myself up over what happened. All the "what if's" and the "I'm such a bad mom," to "Why didn't I hear her open the door? I was gone for just a few moments!" thoughts overwhelmed my head. I panicked and called my husband at work. I cried. I told him I felt like I was the worst mama in the world. Today was just not my day.

But you know what? There's a good in all this bad, and that is that Jesus loves me. He knows I'm trying my best. He knows my heart. He cares. And He loves to be there when we feel down and He whispers encouragement to our aching, battered, frustrated, tired, over-stretched, too-little-sleep, just-want-peace-and-quiet minds. He tells us that He will strengthen us. He tells us He will protect us. He tells us that He will guide us. And while we can't take care of every last little thing, He reminds us that He is holding the whole world in His hands and that He's got this. He reminds us that we are His. He reminds us we are beautiful. We are good mamas. We make mistakes, but He picks us up, brushes us off and sets us on firm foundations again. Our mistakes and failures do not define who we are. We are daughters of the Most High King. He has given us charge over some sweet, innocent, loving souls. He trusts us. We are raising a generation that will be world changers for His Kingdom.

So don't let the mistakes and failures of the day get you down. Don't let it define who you are. Don't let the mistakes and failures become who you are. When you get down and feel like you're not enough, take a look around you. Look at the smiling faces that look up to you and call you "mama." Remember the blessings He has given and enjoy the messy here-and-now. It'll all get better eventually.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Rambling Mama: An Introduction

Well, most of you reading this right now probably already know who I am. But in case there is someone new amongst us, I will do a quick introduction so you'll know a wee bit of who I am. 

My name is Courtney. I am a Jesus follower and lover, a wife to a US Navy Veteran whom I am very proud to call my husband, and a mother to three rambunctious children whose ages are 4, 2 1/2 and 1 year old. 

I am a stay-at-home mom, a half time college student, a full time wife and a frazzled person half the time. If you catch me on a good day, I might remember my name and how old I am...on a "rough day" you'll find me with spaghetti or half eaten cereal in my hair, dark circles under my eyes and a blank stare to all your questions. :) I love to have fun, and my main goal in life is to serve Jesus and love others. I am not perfect and I won't claim to be. I have a lot of faults. But I am just a mama who is trying her best to be there for whoever needs me, to raise some good, down-to-earth, God loving children and to be the best wife I can be to my handsome hubby. 

I love to garden, and if I can get my hands into some finely tilled soil with some nice compost mixed in with a little bit of fish-emulsion freshly sprayed on top, you might find me sniffing the earth like a puppy.  I love the smell and it takes me back to my childhood days filled with fun memories of working the land with my Dad and my friends. It's kind of like people liking the smell of skunk spay just because it reminds them of their childhood vacations or like the smell of freshly steamed Brussels sprouts because your Grandma made them on New Years Eve.

I also love to sew and scrapbook for hobbies, though I would love to get back to sewing all my clothes and my children's clothes as well, like I did in my growing up years. But as a mother to three children I rarely find time to take a ten minute shower, or to brush my hair till it's glossy, let alone have time to pull my sewing stuff out of it's dark hiding place in my room to sew. Maybe someday, right? When the children are all grown up and gone off to college? Well, I can dream. I have a lot of plans for "those days," including traveling the world and experiencing new sights, sounds and smells with my tall, olive skinned Englishman! Mmmm, I love me some English accent. I can't wait to hear him back in England, on his own turf, speaking that romantic language with his own people. Ahhh yes, I am a sucker for the English people. They'll always hold a special place in my heart. 

Another one of my favourite things (yes, I did just spell it the English's a "right" I have earned since I am married to an Englishman....I spell things a little different, like "favourite" and "colour." It's fun!) is to sit down in the quiet of the early morning hours, sip on some coffee and enjoy some Bible time and soak myself in the Word of God. It is always refreshing when I take time to read His letter to me, and to allow my mind to stop going a million directions at once and just let Him speak. He always has something good to say and it always gives me strength for the day. Also, I like to get in a little devotional time with Christine Caine's "Undaunted 365." It's a powerful book and it's always so encouraging to read if I have a little extra time! I highly suggest it to everyone out there. 

Well, there is a quick synopsis of who I am and what I like. I am starting this blog to just jot down some thoughts here and there. Hopefully this Rambling Mama's thoughts can bring a little bit of joy to your day. 

Lots of love! 